GPS Trainings

Technology | Domain




CAD 10 Overview

Differences between
- CAD 94 and CAD 10
- Configuration Tools
- ISM Services
- Admin Tools Know more

24 JAN

Intro to Python

- Python IDE
- Variables
- Classes
- Functions
- Loops etc Know more


Coding Standards - 1

- Basic Coding standards.
- General Rules
- Best Practices Know more

21 FEB

Coding Standards - 2

- Code Refactoring.
- Code Review
- StyleCop
- CodeMaid Know more

28 FEB

Coding Standards - 3

- Units tests and it's importance
- Writing covention for Unit tests
- Demo of Unit test cases in C#
using NUnit tool Know more

14 AUG

SOLID principles - 1

- UML and Single Responsibility Know more

21 AUG

SOLID principles - 2

- OpenClosed and Liskov
Substitution Know more

28 AUG

SOLID principles - 3

-Interface Inversion and Dependency
Injection Know more

20 SEP


- Introduction
- Principles
- Prerequisites
- DevOps Services
- Azure Repos
- Continuous Integration
- Continuous Deployment
- Azure Artefacts
- Nuget package development Know more

28 AUG

Advanced Javascript

- Advanced Javascript
Principles Know more


Amazing Team

Ravi Babu Arepalli

Senior Manager - Technical

Rama Krishna

Manager - Technical

Sravani Tirumareddi

Project Leader

Ramya Gokaraju

Senior Software Consultant

Srinivas Challa

Senior Software Consultant

Vamshi Kadumuri

Senior Software Developer

Your Turn Now

Your Designation


Knowledge is power. In our continuous endeavor to bring the team to speed on the ever-expanding realms of domain and on the latest and greatest of technologies, we have been conducting carefully planned knowledge sharing sessions. We are also continuously listening to the needs of the team to deliver sessions that help them onboard a new skill or requirement. It is our passion to spread the light of knowledge and it is our commitment to ensure that no one is left behind.

We are always on the lookout for captains who can lead the team in to new arenas and will do our best to ensure that the knowledge imparting journey is smooth and successful. Be on the look out for our adventure sirens and join the ship for an exciting and fruitful journey. Together, we can make this the best ever ride. Hold the beacon of knowledge high.

CAD 10 Overview

Overview of CAD 10.

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Ravi Babu Arepalli

Senior Manager - Technical

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Python is a general-purpose language. It has wide range of applications from Web development, scientific and mathematical computing to desktop graphical user Interfaces.

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Rama Krishna

Manager - Technical

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Coding Standards

In future product center is coming up with DevOps concept for regions called “Any Shore”, where we have to check-in our code a common DevOps (VSTS) and anybody can access our code. Product center has already started, DevOps can support measuring the number of quality check-ins from each developer. Coding standards in necessary to meet the needs of the GPS projects.

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Sravani Tirumareddi

Project Leader

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Ramya Gokaraju

Senior Software Consultant

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Rama Krishna Kapakayala

Manager - Technical

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SOLID Principles

UML and Single Responsibility
OpenClosed and Liskov Substitution
Interface Inversion and Dependency Injection

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Ravi Babu Arepalli

Senior Manager - Technical

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- Introduction
- Principles
- Prerequisites
- DevOps Services
- Azure Repos
- Continuous Integration
- Continuous Deployment
- Azure Artefacts
- Nuget package development

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Srinivas Challa

Senior Software Consultant

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Advanced Javascript

Vamshi Kadumuri

Senior Software Developer

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